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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Reading Challenge Day 6: Winston M. Estes' Another Part of the House

As Day 6 of the 30 Day Reading Challenge, I am to choose "the book that makes you sad." However, I prefer reading books that are funny and lighthearted and I avoid those melodramatic(and I have genuine hate for those that purposely makes stories sad rather than hopeful). But, if I were to place "makes you sad" into something that is emotionally driven rather than simply "sad",  I remember being devastated reading Winston M. Estes' Another Part of the House.

Another Part of the House
Narrated in a 10 year old's point of view, Another Part of the House tells a simple, straightforward story of a family living during the Depression. Larry Morrison reflects on the uncertainty the Depression brings to his simple family, his mom, dad and his brother, along with threats brought by his uncle. Though with apprehensions, he is positive that they will pass through it. Until one unexpected tragedy strikes and their unity and strength are tested.

Simply writing about it without giving away too much gives me the chills. Told in a little boy's point of view adds to the innocence and sincerity that Estes would like to convey. The prose is relatable and one can't help it but feel the emotions running though the entire family.

Saying nothing more, if you want to relate to the feels this book gave me, I would highly recommend that you read it.

Runner ups:

  • Bob Ong's MACARTHUR - Ong surprised me with this funny, yet emotional depiction of the lives of friends in the slums.
  • Erich Segal's Love Story - Love's a hoe and death a big bastard hoarder.
  • Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book - growing up is a trap.

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